Especially his statement: "Why are the factories in question now in Wuhan, and no longer in Biberist? pathetic expressions of opinion in their commentary columns and leave them there. Let us hope that COVID-19 will behave differently. And after its outbreak had been reported to the WHO on 31 December - OVID-19 - una revisión a medio plazo o análisis de la moral, los hechos médicos y las decisiones políticas actuales y futuras, Espanol minute and which do not. At least American scientists and some political journalists reacted differently. Three patients from Haskell County were called up for military service. To answer this question, we certainly don’t need to ask statisticians who have never seen a patient before. "All pandemics come from China": Imperial College London) come independently of each other to a "lock-down" phase of up to 18 months. continue unchanged due to overslept measures, is still unclear. We need to ask the people at the front. Pandemic. of us have ever seen such conditions in the context of "influenza". Must the support of the Western states by China now also be But it has not yet been definitively proven. More rigid measures were taken too late. Switzerland must finally investigate how much of each million in ", 8) In March 2019, the epidemiological study by Peng Zhou from Wuhan stated that, based on the biology of coronaviruses in Chinese bats (among Whole clinics are filled with patients who all have the same diagnosis. On January 7, 2020, the same Peng Zhou team that had warned of a corona pandemic in March 2019 passed on the fully defined genome of the causal virus to the  world, so that test kits Commission done? Of course, the situation is delicate. Although not proven, Peng Zhou also addressed the eating habits of the Chinese, which increase the likelihood of these viruses being transmitted from animals to humans. auch wir tolerieren auf unserer Seite keine Beleidigungen, Angriffe, inhaltlose Behauptungen, Fake-News, Verschwörungstheorien, abstruse Theorien oder Ähnliches. After the SARS epidemic, China set up a monitoring program to report conspicuous accumulation of atypical pneumonia as early as possible. And no, it was not published in a Taiwanese language in an Asian medical journal, but in the "Journal of the American Medical This connection to Wuhan has been unwavering, also in current times. Save the Date: The Wall that Heals is Coming to Corona in October 2021. NO. Buchbar als Duo, Trio, Quartett oder ganze Band! population showed atypical pneumonia within a short time, the monitoring system triggered an alarm. In principle, these were 8 CONCRETE, EXPRESS WARNINGS WITHIN 17 YEARS that something like this will come. It must be mentioned here that the MERS virus had spread in the The United Kingdom is the only monarchy in Europe that still practices coronation. December 15, 2020 at 6:33 p.m. 18-year-old killed and 3 injured in fiery Chino crash Antonio Lanzavecchia, who was a co-author of the above-mentioned research on synthetically produced coronaviruses? Albert Gitchell, the kitchen sergeant - patient ZERO - spread the virus in the company he was cooking for, which concerning influenza everyone dies "because of" and all of a sudden with COVID-19 many die "with" it. What you will find are estimates: About 1000 or 1600 in Switzerland, about 8000 in Italy, about 20,000 in Germany. prescribed by the Federal Council and FOPH. All who die in intensive care die similarly. auch wir tolerieren auf unserer Seite keine Beleidigungen, Angriffe, inhaltlose Behauptungen, Fake-News, Verschwörungstheorien, abstruse Theorien oder Ähnliches. Instead of concentrating on their own failures, the population is distracted by continued, mindless China bashing. Furthermore, in one month, >2200 patients were hospitalized in Switzerland because of COVID-19 and up to 500 patients were hospitalized in different intensive care units at the same time. definitively classified, have been studied by Chinese researchers extensively, see Peng Zhou's publication on the epidemiology of "bat coronaviruses in China" and the other publications by A virus that kills in 3 days is still Percentages - secondary diagnoses - morality and EUGENICS. pointless. 2017-ben a helybeliek 93,6%-a volt osztrák állampolgár; a külföldiek közül 0,8% a régi (2004 előtti), 1,8% az új EU-tagállamokból érkezett, 3,9% pedig egyéb országok polgára volt. It was just luck. in vivo suggests that the virus has significant pathogenic potential not captured by current small animal models. Certain media articles and reader comments - far too many, in my opinion - cross every line in this discussion, having the foul smell of eugenics, and bringing back memories of familiar times. I've known Wuhan for 20 years. research and it was they who identified the genome of COVID-19 on January 7 and communicated it to the whole world. of consecutive human-to-human transmissions, this virus adapted to the conditions present in humans by mutation or adaptation and was finally able to dock to the ACE2 receptor and enter the On the other hand, the German magazine DER SPIEGEL published an article entitled "Deadly Arrogance" and by this they did not mean America, but the arrogant Europe. Wer gerne sein Mittelland zeigen möchte, kann dies hier tun people per capita together with Spain, as well as one of the highest death rates. But the Chinese, unlike us, have learned, as "Foreign Affairs" wrote on 27 March 2020: "Past Pandemics Exposed China's Weakness. YES, IT WAS ANNOUNCED AND THE DATA WAS AVAILABLE. 4) In 2015, an experimental joint paper was published by researchers from three US universities, Wuhan and an Italian researcher from Varese, The casual acceptance of other people's death cannot be ignored in our society. Doch was können Forscher für den Rest der Welt prognostizieren? AFTER WHICH IT'S ALMOST UNSTOPPABLE! 5.2K likes. The number of asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers is important in order to make assumptions about the spread of the pandemic. The alternative is simply to try to eliminate our supposed competitors sooner or later in a war. maliciously defamed? Wir präsentieren wichtige Tipps und tolle Rezepte. Tage später stand diese Journalistin unter Coronavirus-Verdacht – und die ganze Forschungsgruppe Dreaming is always encouraged. measures - and could spare oneself the current discussions about an "exit". This was described as "unacceptable" and compared to China in the journal "Science" with the recently published article "Do us a favor". For sure! NO. Or are 5000 deaths worse if they represent 2.3% of all COVID-19 carriers? If these medical facts had been known and if we had been able to separate ideology, politics, and medicine, Switzerland would most probably be in a better position today: we would not have the -> Mein been asked for my opinion, I warned the Swiss parliamentarians, Federal Council, FOPH as well as the media. SARS had a 10% mortality rate while MERS was at 36%. Menschen zeigen ihr ganz persönliches Mittelland. The opposite situation I know well enough. Or in other words: how did they look at Asia? What should we do? laboratory test + symptoms + corresponding findings in the CT scan of the lung ○ Positive laboratory test, no symptoms, but corresponding findings in the CT scan of the lung, The number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the general ward, The number of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit, The number of ventilated COVID-19 patients, The number of COVID-19 patients under ECMO, The number of infected doctors and nurses. welcomes me to the respective country. If it is constantly claimed that the figures China is publishing on the COVID 19 pandemic are unreliable anyway, then what does that mean? We can only say what is not feasible: the idea of actively infecting non-risk groups with the COVID-19 virus is certainly a pipe dream. Of course, the right disinfectant could not have been specifically recommended: the citizen would have noticed that there 5) At the end of 2014, the US government had suspended research on MERS and SARS for one year because of the danger to humans. Nebst über 2000 Leser-Kommentaren per Mail, WhatsApp oder SMS, erhielt ich viele Hinweise von Experten aller … The claims that an "influenza" is just as dangerous and costs the same amount of victims every year are false. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a coronavirus responsible for the 2019–20 pandemic . They could have at least studied the excellent scientific works of Chinese and American Chinese scientists published in the best American and English medical journals. with a significant mortality rate. Mittelländischen ihre ganz persönlichen Auflugsstipps. "Only old and sick patients die." 3. 25%-30% of the nursing staff and medical professionals acquire exactly the same disease as the patients they care for. The more people are infected with COVID-19, the more likely it is that this virus will adapt even "better" to humans and become even more disastrous. Nobody can predict which steps in the return to normalization will And still today there is no quarantine Allegedly impossible and this in a Critical comments: yes. We do not know whether this virus will concern us epidemically/pandemically or perhaps even endemically. Pandemic will be Political". Even more so, are they now just a burden? Das Überspringen von klinischen Testphasen ist nur möglich, weil das Medikament ursprünglich gegen Arthritis entwickelt wurde und als solches bereits zugelassen ist. If that doesn't require a PUK, I don't know what does. Deliberately infecting healthy people with this aggressive virus would acutely undermine one of the fundamental principles of medical ethics - "primum nil nocere" or "first, do no harm" - Daraufhin gewährte die Forschungsgruppe einer deutschen TV-Journalistin Einsicht in die Resultate. or should I say typically Swiss? They urgently need to be corrected through Coronations in Europe were previously held in the monarchies of Europe. Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook Page von Corona Extra Österreich. What is relevant is the absolute number of deaths caused by this pandemic. And what has Switzerland done since China reported to the WHO on 31 December 2019? A fire that erupted near the Corona Municipal Airport has grown to 750 acres, shutting down a main road in the area, authorities said Thursday morning. has warned of a corona pandemic in his March 2019 article. The COVID-19 virus was transmitted directly from a bat to humans. He was a professor at the University of Mainz, where from 1991 to 2012 he was head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene. achievements of our society suddenly no longer worth anything? the same virus. admitted to intensive care could be discharged home. After all, it is our media that publish these. Tieren. Is this just "a common flu" that passes by every year and against which we usually do "nothing" - or is it a dangerous pandemic that requires rigid measures? That is the situation today. No border As a medical doctor, I would refuse to participate in such a vaccination campaign. discussed how Germany should react to a future SARS pandemic! who has a laboratory in Bellinzona. follow the publications until the end of February 2020 to know 1) what is coming and 2) what to do. Was the research group of Antonio Lanzavecchia in Bellinzona consulted? happens to oneself or one's next of kin. 3. How can you constantly criticize other countries when you have the second most infected people per capita with the second most expensive health care system in the world and you have And doctors and It is understandable that everyone wants to understand the extent of this pandemic in one way or another. Association" in collaboration with the University of California. In addition, we would most likely not have a Today we can only guess how many. Despite most urgently needed precautions. in" over thousands of years. This calendar of events is organized chronologically and provides basic information on events taking place within the City, or sponsored by Corona-based organizations. Lee Marrow), it found commercial success with worldwide hits "The Rhythm of the Night" (1993) and "Baby Baby" (1995).After the second album Bontempi left the band and was replaced by Francesco Conte and Paolo Dughero. They synthetically produced coronaviruses in the laboratory and infected cell cultures and mice. Mittelland. Bats make up 20% of the mammalian population of which there are 1000 different species. The more seriously ill patients all showed the same uniform clinical picture. Even the often quoted Anthony Fauci, Trump's chief virologist, praised the cooperation with Chinese colleagues in "Foreign Affairs". It surprises me that our media are not making any effort to be clear on this matter. The quantitative and qualitative On December 31, the reaction chain of Taiwan started, which consisted of a total ), tons of computers and "Big Data" and thus, in an act of misappropriation, withdraw billions from the health system. it comes to the widespread diagnoses of "high blood pressure" or "high blood sugar". 7) In 2016, another research paper was published that dealt with coronaviruses. Horizon" on March 22nd after Mr. Lanzavecchia said that this virus is extremely contagious and resistant, on a small Ticino TV station on March 20th? Und nein, das ist keine Zensur, sondern unsere Pflicht als Anbieter. last thing we need in this situation. Yes, in 2013 the German Bundestag simulated a SARS corona pandemic in Europe and Germany! Our national government, our FOPH, our experts, our pandemic A Catalyst for Peace", "Has the West Lost It? I really have to mention those dates? Epidemiologe Marcel Salathé von der ETH Lausanne unzählige Menschenleben retten: «Endziel muss ein Impfstoff sein. could be developed, vaccination research conducted and monoclonal antibodies produced as quickly as possible worldwide. Lassen Sie sich von unseren leckeren Rezepten zum Nachkochen inspirieren. The "summary" of this publication must be savored, because it is the perfect description of what is currently going Immunreaktionen zu kriegen. When 4 patients in this country with its gigantic Sankt Corona am Wechsel estas komunumo de AÅ­strio.Ĝi apartenas al la federacia lando Malsupra AÅ­strio kaj al la distrikto Neunkirchen.Krome ĝi situas en la historia regiono Industrieviertel [IndusTRI:firtl] (industria regiono). happened once. noch beweisen, dass das Medikament auch bei Corona-Infizierten wirkt. And finally, there is of course a need for adequate quality control of medical services. from the Middle East with Saudi Arabia as its center. insurance premiums - is up against the wall after 14 days of lukewarm headwind, has too few masks, too little disinfectant and too little medical material. Chinesische Spitalärzte der Verzweiflung nahe. Europe seems unteachable. on: "Focusing on SARS-like CoVs, the approach indicates that viruses using the WIV1-CoV spike protein are capable of infecting human alveolar endothelium cultures In this analysis, the number of Are 5000 deaths less Solche Beiträge werden nicht freigeschaltet. The measures taken by Asian countries were qualified as infeasible for us for political and other obscure reasons. If one had reacted, one might not have had to take such. So wean in Deitschlaund mittlaweile im Joa guad 45.000 Hektolita unta d'Leid brocht. Die Nervosität ist verständlich: Wer das erste Mittel gegen das Coronavirus auf den Markt bringt, wird Millionen verdienen. COVID-19 is not only problematic in terms of mechanical ventilation but also significantly affects the heart. One would have to laugh if it wasn't so tragic: instead of admitting one's own mistakes and correcting them immediately, they preferred to call in If only they had been taken note of. That the mean incubation period is 5 days, while the maximum incubation period is not yet clear. DMZ – FORSCHUNG / MEDIZIN / POLITIK ¦ GASTKOMMENTAR von Prof. Dr. med. say when exactly and where this pandemic would break out, but that China would most likely be a hot-spot. They release their music through their own independent record label, 3ú Records, and are based between Dublin and London. 2019, we would have had 2 months to study the right data and draw the right conclusions. have had an ongoing connection to “Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College/Huazhong University of Science and Technology” in Wuhan where I hold one of my four positions as a visiting professor. Weitere Übersetzungen sind in Arbeit. I would also like to point out that I can provide all mentioned scientific papers in their original form. sickness curve. Unfortunately, I cannot answer the question about what the best solutions might be. Corona was born at the beach, surrounded by ocean. Stellar corona, the outer atmosphere of the Sun or another star; Coronavirus, a group of RNA viruses . month despite massive countermeasures. The claim It is equally unclear when this method will be Basic and cheap material is missing in Switzerland after 14 days. a high probability that the genome of individual coronavirus types can change spontaneously within the framework of random mutations. The greater the number of viruses per population, the greater the probability of a random mutation that could make the virus even more aggressive. Whole intensive care units are filled with patients who all have the same diagnosis. Whether the higher temperatures of summer will help us, because the COVID-19 envelope is unstable at higher temperatures. Peng Zhou Age is relative. When I get off the plane in Tashkent, Beijing or Yangon, it takes 10 seconds and Swisscom Are these positive These political questions will be national and international. See more. "From the Ruins of the Empire". Dr. h.c. Paul Robert Vogt, Original The facts presented are taken from scientific papers that have undergone peer review and have been published in the best medical journals. That asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers can infect other people and that this virus is "extremely contagious" and "extremely resistant" (A. Lanzavecchia). This statement hits the mark and unmasks our arrogance and ignorance. And he wrote that he could not. Politics is one thing; scientific work is another. Out of five reasons: 1. It is certainly out of the question to deliberately infect millions of healthy fellow citizens with an aggressive virus of which we actually know nothing at all; neither the extent of the It is a disgrace that Switzerland, with its 85-billion-dollar healthcare system - in which an average family of four middle-class people is no longer able to pay the health 827 likes. and other, rarer, but not less dangerous diseases. DMZ – BLAULICHT ¦ Keine Verschwörung, sondern Realität. not a political one. Swiss people had contact with COVID-19. It is not. 5. However, COVID19 caused 600 necessary at the beginning of the pandemic. Yes, SARS came from China. Menschen zeigen ihr ganz persönliches Mittelland. 1. Wer gerne sein Mittelland zeigen möchte, kann dies hier tun Lee Kuan Yew. the German ambassador. Pankaj Mishra. There are numerous dangerous viruses that have jumped from bats to humans and are responsible for many diseases: measles, mumps, rabies, Marburg fever, Ebola Liebe Menschen The reason for their work was to produce monoclonal antibodies Wir bringen euch … And you only had to for people entering Switzerland. connecting the Not me, nor any of my colleagues, and none of the nursing staff can ever remember a time when over the course of 30 or 40 days the following conditions prevailed: Based on points 1-8 it is clear that the virus underlying this pandemic is a dangerous one. The answer is clear: arrogantly, ignorantly and in a know-it-all fashion. balanced way at a high level, for example: Reading does not mean that all these authors are right about everything. Menschen zeigen ihr ganz persönliches Mittelland. Corona definition is - the projecting part of a classic cornice. We believe that life is better lived with salty air in our lungs and sand beneath our toes; it’s where we feel at home. it just mean that - if these figures really are unreliable - that this is a much more dangerous pandemic for which we in Europe should take precautions? Already on March 16th 2020  American and Chinese scientists published a paper, stating that for every 14 documented cases of COVID19 positive people, "The ASEAN Miracle. information, education, food and medicine". innerhalb eines halben Jahres Millionen von Impfdosen herstellen können.», Weltweiter Run – es winken märchenhafte Gewinne. Radical countermeasures can  reduce the spread of COVID bei 90% - so one can imagine what scenario would prevail without It is likely that bats were the entry point for viruses into the mammalian family tree in the history of evolution. Solche Beiträge werden nicht freigeschaltet. It was also closures, no border control, everyone could and still can easily immigrate into Switzerland without any checks at all (I experienced this myself on 15 March). None other fields and how the world is just "interconnected". contact with the virus without any consequences and how many people actually became ill. By the end of February 2020, so many excellent scientific papers with Chinese and mixed American-Chinese authors had been published that one überzeugt, endlich einen Corona-Impfstoff gefunden zu haben. When the difficulties of the pandemic became apparent to the FOPH, it was announced that patients who had to be admitted to intensive care would have bad The media's coverage of facts, ethics, racism and eugenics, as well as a great deal of reader comments, shouldn’t be accepted without criticism. The international issues mainly concern our relationship with China and the Asian countries in general. Study Session *CANCELLED* 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM. always, seemingly infinite criticism of Russia and Trump. world's second-largest country in terms of the number of corona patients per million inhabitants. 30% of all patients that don’t survive the intensive care unit are dying due to Denmark) or have never practiced coronations (e.g. there will soon be a renewed corona pandemic. There is a parental strain of these two COVID-19 viruses that has unfortunately remained undiscovered until now. or a vaccine in order to be prepared for the next corona pandemic. The challenges are global. High active genetic recombination of coronaviruses, i.e. refused. We should certainly not actively help to It was not to the credit of Homo sapiens that SARS and MERS did not spread as quickly as the current COVID-19. In Switzerland, at best semi-rigid measures or no measures at all have been taken, DMZ – MEDIZIN / FORSCHUNG ¦ Daniel Birkhofer ¦ KOMMENTAR "Die Lockerung der Massnahmen im Kampf gegen das Coronavirus in der Schweiz könnte die Zahl der Infektionen erhöhen und im Sommer zu einem Rückschlag führen. ", "Can Asians Think?". 417 likes. DMZ – WISSENSCHAFT / FORSCHUNG / POLITIK ¦ KOMMENTAR von Prof. Dr. med. It is assumed that this has already Whether the mass measurement of antibodies in the blood will make a controlled Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the disease caused by the virus; COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing global pandemic Bereits vor drei Wochen war man in Bern Die Mittelländische - Onlinezeitung. with purely short-term economic concerns. Forschungsleiter Martin Bachmann ist nach wie vor überzeugt: «Wenn die kommenden Tage erfolgreich sind, werden wir of 124 measures - all published before March 03, 2020. But it would be of great value to the West - including Switzerland - to sometimes replace its know-it-all attitude, recipe for tackling global problems together - much less solve them. "Foreign Affairs" with Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci on the cover, writes on 28 March 2020: "Plagues Tell Us Who We Are. Die Berner sind längst nicht die einzigen, die sich kurz vor dem Durchbruch wähnen. Even in the DNA of healthy people there are remains of viral gene sequences that have been "built clinically valid and widely applicable. How long any immunity could be protective. Despite a pointless and overpriced DRG systems that produce nothing but nonsense. Dec 22. There are 4 theories for how this virus spread to humans: The special thing about these facts is that coronaviruses can live together with the Ebola virus on one and the same bat without the bat becoming ill. On the one hand, this is scientifically How to use corona in a sentence. laboratory findings and a typical lung CT? In other mammals too, viruses derived from bats have repeatedly led to mass deaths in pig, chicken or bird breeding. society that outsources its private data to Google, iCloud and Facebook without any problems. Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden have tried and successively abandoned. The Current One Highlights Its Aus China gibt es bereits hoffnungsvolle Zeichen. Taiwan, for example, whose 124 measure were published early, has the lowest number of infected people and This material we use every day is drowning … Xi Jinping was still being nice when he said that Europe had become the global center of the pandemic in a very short time due to its "narcissism". Kishore Mahbubani. increase the number of viruses per population. Two things are clear: the pandemic has been announced at least 8 times since 2003. Corona definition, a white or colored circle or set of concentric circles of light seen around a luminous body, especially around the sun or moon. 3) In 2013, the German Bundestag discussed disaster scenarios like how Germany should prepare for disasters such as floods. I will not mention any further points here. .............................................................................................................. Jeden Montag wird jeweils aktuell der meistgelesene Artikel unserer Kein Medikament, sondern einen Impfstoff gegen das Coronavirus sucht ein Forschungsteam der Universität Bern zusammen mit zwei chinesischen Instituten. The current set of data is inaccurate and interpreted by "sensational press" - the virus by 90%) while the FOPH and the Federal Council say that border closures are useless, "because most people would get infected at home anyway"? the 85 billion franc cake without ever having seen a patient. They 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM. have adverse consequences - i.e. None of my colleagues and friends have ever heard of Wuhan. 22 of the 38 known coronaviruses, which are far from being by Kristian Andersen.