Here is a list of 15 commonly used phrases in the English language. Can I help? If you’re currently practicing your tourist English, have a look at our list of useful English phrases to use in a restaurant. List of useful phrases in English lessons. 52 Phrases to Improve the Flow of Your English Presentations The Introduction. Sophia 3 years ago 11 Comments. I am after academic writing resources predominantly academic phrases, vocabulary, word lists and sentence stubs that can be readily used in research papers and academic reports. An order transition word can be used to show a change in the order or timing of consecutive ideas and phrases. Can I say it in (German ...)? Use these phrases if you're writing to someone for the first time, if this is a formal organization or a very big company. Compare your words with your partner. Choose two questions. The phrase dictionary category 'Business| Order' includes English-German translations of common phrases and expressions. A Chip on Your Shoulder Being angry about something that happened in the past; holding a grudge. On arrival it is customary to wait to be seated. These are just some examples, for the full list, use the top menu: A – Phrases. arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation This knowledge of the type of sales phrases that help get us shopping can be useful in several different ways. Positive scripting pre-defines responses and phrases for service reps to use in order to minimise customer frustration and keep customer communications flowing in a positive direction. 100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay. By recognizing them as spending triggers, you lessen their power. How to Write a Great Essay in English! 1. Check your answers. Can I go to the toilet? arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation Here are a few examples of these types of transition words; equally important, again, finally, moreover, besides and secondly. Common Phrases In English. First if you are concentrating on paring down your spending, you can learn to recognize phrases that get your shopping itch going. Use these phrases if you're on friendly terms with the person you're writing to and this is not your first communication. Add more words. These phrases will help you to make a reservation at a restaurant and order your meal. Once on holiday, speaking English will make it a lot easier to check into a hotel or order food in a restaurant. We hope that you find these phrases useful in your customer service job. All good presentations start with a strong introduction. Perhaps you’re already using some of them, and hopefully they’re helping you provide exceptional customer service. On paying it is customary to leave a tip unless a service charge is included or the service has been poor. Can I open the window, please? 2. If you want to read more about successful customer service, you can check our earlier post about how to provide great customer service . Are the statements right or wrong? Prev Article Next Article . One of the most common reasons why people choose to learn English online is to be able to travel abroad. The phrase dictionary category 'Business| Order' includes English translations of common phrases and expressions. Ask questions. Less formal, more friendly. Collect information about... Colour the picture. Let’s take a look! This lesson provides 100+ useful words, transition words and expressions used in writing an essay.