Current politics from all over the world: elections, parties, laws, coalitions and politicians. A common theme of the collection is to explore different epistemological and methodological approaches to studying policy fiascos. April 2015 feierlich in der St. Petri-Kirche verabschiedet. To understand this process, the authors utilize an interpretivist approach, analyzing the discourse of German foreign policymakers through the lens of four traditions of thought informing debates: regionalism, pacifism, realism, and hegemonism. Tracing the main discursive elements of failure constructions, we argue that such constructions empower agents of learning and direct what actors learn from failures. Empirically tracing how the party political discourse of the German Greens constructed the 2013 elections as a failure, we demonstrate how this discursive construction intertwines with party politics and helped shift the intra-party balance of power and political direction of the Greens. Sei bei der Online-Vortragsreihe "Wirtschaft meets Wissenschaft" live dabei! Europäische Integrationsbestrebungen auf politischer und regionaler Ebene : Tschechien und Polen : Beiträge zu einem politik- und regionalwissenschaftlichen Symposium an der TU Chemnitz. International Office: International Office. Beate Neuss/Antje Nötzold (Hrsg. Kai Oppermann: Narrating Success and Failure: Congressional Debates on the ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ (Co-authored with Alexander Spencer), in: European Journal of International Relations, 24 (2) (2018), 268-292. In bisher nicht dagewesener Breite und Tiefe berichten sie in diesem Buch über Wege zur Durchsetzung ihrer Ideen und Vorhaben. German-English Dictionary: Translation for Friedensforschung und Internationale Politik [Studiengangsbezeichnung] 5,034 were here. Daraus ergibt sich eine beeindruckende Bilanz erfolgreicher christdemokratischer Politik, die motiviert, politische Verantwortung zu übernehmen. The analysis points to structural similarities between the romantic genre and populist narratives more generally which enables populism to tap into the power of romance. Die große Erweiterungsrunde von 2004, im Rahmen derer zehn Staaten beitraten, die anstehenden Beitritte Bulgariens und Rumäniens sowie die versprochene Beitrittsperspektive für die Staaten des Westbalkans veränderten die EU-Außengrenze und damit die Herausforderungen in der neuen Nachbarschaft gravierend... Kai Oppermann: Poliheuristic Theory and Germany`s (Non-)Participation in Multinational Military Interventions. This article takes stock of German foreign policy during Angela Merkel's third term in office (2013–17). Specifically, we hold that Germany’s ontological security needs already were an important driver in establishing the relationship and have been a key stabiliser of it ever since; that the ontological security perspective can make sense of three interrelated practices of maintaining the ‘specialness’ of the relationship; and that the asymmetries between the ontological security needs of the two partners help account for Israel’s political leverage in the relationship. This article contributes to this debate by specifying the operationalisation of the non-compenstaory principle in the context of coalition foreign policy making in parliamentary democracies. Internationale Berichterstattung zu Chemnitz 08.18. Second, the symposium pushes the boundaries of our knowledge on four dimensions that are key to a comprehensive research agenda on coalition foreign policy: the foreign-policy outputs of multi-party coalitions; the process of foreign-policy-making in different types of coalitions; coalition foreign policy in the ‘Global South’; and coalition dynamics in non-democratic settings. Political Mistakes and Policy Failures in International Relations, Palgrave: Basingstoke, 2018 (Co-edited with Andreas Kruck and Alexander Spencer). By starting out from a broad concept of mistakes as “something [considered to have] gone wrong” the edited volume enables comparisons of various kinds of mistakes from a range of analytical perspectives, including objectivist and interpretivist approaches, in order to draw out answers to the following guiding questions: How does one identify and research a mistake? The international community has, through processes of socialisation and alter-casting, largely rejected these efforts. Festschrift zum 65. The taxonomy provided here allows a richer understanding of these debates as well as an appreciation of how policymakers mobilize ideas to resist or enable policy change. Für die EU war eine erfolgreiche Transformation ihrer osteuropäischen Nachbarn nach ihrem Vorbild von zentralem Interesse. We argue that foregrounding the ontological security which the special relationship provides in particular for Germany sheds important new light on how German-Israeli relations have developed. Kullik, Jakob (2019): Unter dem Radar: Die strategische Bedeutung Seltener Erden für die wirtschaftliche und militärische Sicherheit des Westens, Arbeitspapier 13/2019, Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik. A Chemnitz hier, la forte présence policière a permis d'éviter de nouveaux débordements. Many accounts of this decision invoke the influence of electoral incentives. User account menu. Englisch/Deutsch : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz) Despite this growing significance, the foreign-policy-making of coalition governments is only partly understood. The investigation into the role of genre consistency adds to theoretical scholarship on narrative dominance in political discourse which has so far focused on the narrator, the structure and content of the story or the audience. (English version below) Willkommen auf dem offiziellen YouTube-Kanal der Technischen Universität Chemnitz. So lässt sich das Zusammenwachsen Europas und der Grenzregionen bzw. Das Thema Sprache und Politik bietet viele Facetten und ist eng mit der Integration Europas verbunden ist. The abstention of the conservative-liberal government under Chancellor Angela Merkel on UN Security Council resolution 1973 marked the first occasion in which the Federal Republic of Germany stood against all three of its main Western partners, the US, France, and the UK, simultaneously, on a major foreign policy issue. Der Tagungsband zur internationalen und interdisziplinären Konferenz vom Mai 2017 analysiert den Stand und die Perspektiven der türkisch-europäischen Beziehungen aus dem Blickwinkel beider Akteure. The article illustrates its theoretical argument in a case study on the German-Israeli relationship. Navigating Domestic and International Expectations on German Foreign Policy, in German Politics, Online First (2018), Doi: 10.1080/09644008.2018.1481208. This edited volume analyzes mistakes in different areas of international relations including the realms of security, foreign policy, finance, health, development, environmental policy and migration. Based on insights from literary studies and narratology it shows that stories of failure include a number of key elements, including a particular setting which defines appropriate behaviour; the negative characterization of agents; as well as an emplotment of the ‘fiasco’ through the attribution of cause and responsibility. Frauen gestalten die Politik der CDU. Why do mistakes happen? Welcome! Darüber hinaus integriert der Band die Perspektiven der Türkei und Israels auf die Entwicklungen in der Region. Die vorliegende Publikation macht die Ergebnisse einer Fachtagung einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. The book includes chapters by leading experts in their fields on arguably the most important public policy approaches, including, for example, multiple streams, advocacy coalition, punctuated equilibrium and veto player approaches. Internationale Berichterstattung zu Chemnitz 08.18. 5,002 were here. Die um zwei Kapitel erweiterte Neuauflage diskutiert 12 Theorien der Außenpolitikforschung, die in drei Abschnitte untergliedert sind. ... International Communication Management studieren an der The Hague University of Applied Sciences - … As a result, a realist tradition is reemerging in Germany's discourse. This article suggests studying special relationships in international politics from an ontological security perspective. ): The Southern Mediterranean. r/politik. This difference in ‘genre consistency’ contributed to the success of Leave and the failure of Remain in the referendum. What is problematic, however, is that the causal weight attached to electoral politics is often left ambiguous and difficult to assess with traditional case study methods. International Relations: International Relations. Chemnitz [ˈ k ʰ ɛ m n ɪ t͡s] [1] Écouter (Kamjenica en sorabe) (de 1953 à 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt) est une ville située dans l'Ouest de la Saxe en Allemagne.Avec environ 245 000 habitants, elle est après Leipzig et Dresde la troisième ville du Land par sa population, ainsi qu’un des six centres principaux. The findings suggest that electoral incentives did not decisively shift German foreign policy on Libya. This article argues that the Leave narrative was successful in the 2016 referendum in part because it conformed to one of the well-established narrative genres of tragedy, comedy, satire and romance. Second, the tenure of the Grand Coalition saw a significant shift in the German domestic foreign policy discourse that was marked by a concerted effort of leading decision-makers to make the case for Germany to accept greater international responsibilities. 27.08.2018. ): Türkei - Schlüsselakteur für die EU? Seltene Erden sind Rohstoffe von strategischer Bedeutung für die wirtschaftliche und militärische Sicherheit des Westens. Sprache prägt Auffassungen und spiegelt sie. Kai Oppermann: Between a Rock and a Hard Place? These role conflicts between the United Kingdom and international actors, as well as conflicts among its different role aspirations, have pressed UK policies towards its unwanted isolationist role, potentially shaping its long-term foreign policy orientation post-Brexit. Internationale Politik : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz) Oktober 2000 bis Dezember 2005 Studium der Politikwissenschaft und Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der TU Chemnitz More generally, the article speaks to the value of counterfactuals in foreign policy analysis. This article employs the poliheuristic theory of decision-making (PHT) to analyse German decisions to participate in, or abstain from, multinational military operations. In dieser Festschrift stehen die drei großen Forschungsfelder von Beate Neuss im Mittelpunkt: Europäische Integration, transatlantische Beziehungen und aktuelle Sicherheitsherausforderungen. Eine schwierige Partnerschaft in turbulenten Zeiten, Baden-Baden 2018. In its efforts to avoid adopting the role of isolate, the United Kingdom has projected a disoriented foreign policy containing elements of partially incompatible roles such as great power, global trading state, leader of the Commonwealth, regional partner to the European Union (EU) and faithful ally to the United States.

Der Letzte Mann 1955, Brienzer Rothorn Bahn Fahrplan, Losteria Düren Speisekarte, Göbel Heiligenstadt Friseur, Minus Plus Aufgaben, 1 Fc Magdeburg Trainer, Asta Uni Bielefeld, Politik Im Weiteren Sinne, Iptv Kostenlos Arabisch,